Filtering by: “Crew”
Spring Dock-In Day

Spring Dock-In Day

Dock-in Day is the tradition that brings together our rowing team and their families to set the stage for an exciting season ahead. We invite all parents and kids to lend a hand as we place the dock back into the Grand River, tidy up the boathouse, and mark the start the Spring season.

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First Day of Practice

First Day of Practice

First Day of practice for Varsity and Novice.

Practices will be held on land in the Freshman Center until Dock-in Day. Practice times before the dock is returned to the river will be 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

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Dock-Out Day

Dock-Out Day

Dock-Out Day is the tradition that brings together our rowing team and their families to close down water training and racing for the season. We invite all parents and kids to lend a hand as we remove the dock from the Grand River, tidy up the boathouse, and prep it for winter.

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